Salil Kumar SAT classes
Event: Salil Kumar SAT classes Subject: Northwestern University Student Led Accelerated SAT Class website: For details click on flier Altair Prep is a revolutionary test prep service created by motivated college students to benefit their high school counterparts. The test prep industry of today lacks a curriculum designed specifically for students above the curve—smart, motivated, high-achieving students like you. Therefore, Abhi Ramesh, Darwish Gani, and Salil Kumar, co-founders of Altair Prep, decided to create a service to help motivated and hardworking students reach their full potential on the SAT. We have engineered a fast-paced curriculum that better caters to driven students using the exact strategies we used just a few years ago, utilizing the strengths of over 15 students from across the country in schools like Georgia Tech, Princeton, Yale, the University of Pennsylvania, and Northwestern. Our philosophy, therefore, is simple: above average students like you deserve an above average test prep service. We have developed that class for you. Our tutors, our curriculum, and our vision all revolve around a single goal: to help you achieve that elusive perfect score. Disclaimer: – Asian Media USA The material attached to this E-flyer is an advertising material received from promoter. […]
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