Indian Senior of Chicago Enjoys MahaRudra Abhishek with 121 Pandits in IA
Chicago IL: Indian Senior of Chicago Enjoys MahaRudra Abhishek with 121 Pandits in Maharishi Vedic City, IA. The atmosphere was surcharged with bliss and silence on Sunday, July 22 as 96 members of the Indian Senior Group of Chicago witnessed a MahaRudra Abhishek with 121 pandits in Maharishi Vedic City, IA. The pandits are among the 1000 pandits in Maharishi Vedic City who have been specially trained for the purpose of creating invincibility for the US and India. The historic visit was organized by CV Desai, (Treas. of Seniors Group), under the guidance of New Paradigm Tour Steering Committee Chairman Bhailal Patel, along with Narsibhai Patel (Pres.), Rasik Shah (VP) and Hirabhai Patel (Secy). Everyone enjoyed a most joyful event. Yash Desai commented, ““I was closing my eyes through the Maha Rudra Abhishek. I had the feeling of the Lord shining inside me and was crying with tears of joy.” Hema Shastri said, ““The MahaRudra Abhishek was excellent. It was my first time seeing 121 pandits. Even though I am a Brahmin, it was new and wonderful to me.” Usha R. Vakharia, MD remarked, “Yagya was very nice experience, especially here in USA, to hear so many pandits recite so […]
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