Gujarat Cultural Association Presents Navaratri Mahotsav

Subject: Gujarat Cultural Association Presents Navaratri Mahotsav Event: 8:00 pm to midnight, Saturday – October 20, 2012 Date: September 9, 2012 (Sunday) to September 15, 2012 (Saturday) Venue: Golf Main Park District Hall, 8800 Kathy lane, Niles. IL. For details click on flier Disclaimer: – Asian Media USA The material attached to this E-flyer is an advertising material received from promoter. Readers are requested to make appropriate inquiries and take appropriate advice before acting on the attached material. Asian Media USA shall not be liable to any person for loss or damage incurred or suffered as a result of his / her accepting or offering to accept an invitation contained in any advertisement published in this email. “The information in this e-mail and any attachments is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee or addressees. If you are not an intended recipient, please delete the message and any attachments and notify the sender of miss-delivery. Any use or disclosure of the contents of either is unauthorized and may be unlawful. All liability for viruses is excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual […]

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Hamdard Center's 20th Annual Benefits Gala Funds the Wellbeing of Humanity

Chicago, IL: On Saturday, October 13, 2012 the Hamdard Center for Health and Human Services held its 20th Annual Gala at the Donald E. Stephens Rosemont Convention Center in Rosemont, IL. It was a celebration of 20 years at with special guest, Khaleel the comedian as the Master of Ceremony. Evening highlights included a high couture Cultural and royal fashion show produced by Sahil and featuring the Royal Bride Collection by Umang Hutheesing, wonderful, live music with Singer Amanat Ali, and an extremely entertaining live auction presented by Michael Espe of Zaffarano Auctioneers Theme fashion show was of Jaipur, Rajasthan so audience encouraged to dress up. 975 people from the South Asian and American Community attended the program. Over $275,000 was raised for good cause. Beside all Business and professional people, Prominent community leaders there were dignitaries included Bosnian Consul General Elden Kajevic and Pakistani Consul General Zaheer Pervaiz Khan who attended this event. The target was to raised $200,000 however Hamdard Center raised $275,000 of which will go towards their seven programs including the domestic violence division, transitional housing, senior services, youth services, primary and mental health services, and case management. Master of Ceremony: Khaleel the comedian. Khaleel Farooqie […]

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09-22-2012 MAFS

Chicago IL: Metropolitan Asian Family Services, a pioneer in the field of Senior Care in Chicago Metropolitan area celebrated its 20th anniversary on Sept 22nd, at the Meadows Club in Rolling Meadows IL. The evening was graced by elected officials, dignitaries visiting from India, Indian community leaders, seniors and their families. Metropolitan Asian Family Services, a not-for-profit agency provides comprehensive and integrated social services to the immigrant population of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Middle East and European Countries. Our services include adult day care services, home care services, hot meal program, health education and screening, citizenship and immigration assistance, public benefits assistance, job training, computer training and ESL class, interpretation and translation services, support services for caregivers, medical clinic and health promotion programs. They currently have 7 offices serving 11 counties in the Greater Chicago area. The festivities started with lamp lighting and invocation prayer. The MC of this event was MASALA -T, who is the costar of the worldwide talk show HOTCHAAT. Currently, he is acting in two hollywood movies and working towards being the biggest Bollywood hollywood dual star ever. He had an amazing stage presence and handled the announcements with ease. He invited all the guests of honor […]

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Raas Garba Ramzaat for good Cause and Cure

Chicago IL: Masti Group Charitable Organization had organized ‘Raas- Garba Ramzaat’ on Saturday, October 6, 2012 at Streamwood Community Center, 777 S. Bartlett Road, Streamwood, IL 60107. Event started at 7pm with the live singing and music from Gayatri Patel and her group. The event ended with a successful roar from everyone at 11pm every one enjoyed Live Singing by our own Fabulous Singer, Gayatri Patel and her Band. According to Masti Group Charitable Organization’s speaker Kunal Mehta, “Proceeds from this fundraising event will go to Children’s Memorial Hospital, Chicago. A Huge Success ! We raised more than $ 3000 from this fun event which will go to Children’s Memorial Hospital.” We MGCO committee 2012,thank each and every one who came to our event to make it a blast !! Wouldn’t have been possible without your supports. United we stand and divided we fall says masti group…Our goal for this year is to raise awareness and money for the Children’s Memorial Hospital in Chicago. Masti Group Charitable Organization does this by hosting various fun events throughout the year. One of our annual event, regardless of what organization we are doing the charity for, is the Raas-Garba Ramzaat. We try to […]

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Phenomenal outpouring of community support received at Pratham Gala

Chicago IL: Pratham Chicago held its 2012 Gala at Meadows Club on October 7th to raise over $100,000 donation for the education programs being conducted by Pratham in India. Emcee Kamal Hans and Pratham Co-Founder Yogi Patel did excellent job. The gala featured a talk by two University of Chicago students, Christian Norton and Carolina Garayzar, who spent 11 weeks in Pratham Delhi evaluating 17 Urban Learning Centers. Dr. Raj Rajaram, President of Pratham Chicago welcomed the guests, and subsequently Yogi Patel delivered the Keynote touching speech. The speech highlighted progress Pratham has made in India over the last 18 years. The highlight of the gala was a live telepresence event conducted by Cisco. 13 Pratham Pune students and their teacher showed the audience the excitement of learning of the students in the class. A senior teacher from Pratham Pune moderated the class presentation, and the students performed fabulous song and dance in English, a math class and English and reading. The students answered questions from the audience. The evening entertainment provided by DJ Harpal Singh (Banti) was enjoyed by young and old, and the dance floor was crammed with a lot of Pratham donors. It was the most successful […]

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MAFS celebrates 20 years of community service in Chicago Metropolitan Area

Chicago IL: Metropolitan Asian Family Services, a pioneer in the field of Senior Care in Chicago Metropolitan area celebrated its 20th anniversary on Sept 22nd, at the Meadows Club in Rolling Meadows IL. The evening was graced by elected officials, dignitaries visiting from India, Indian community leaders, seniors and their families. Metropolitan Asian Family Services, a not-for-profit agency provides comprehensive and integrated social services to the immigrant population of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Middle East and European Countries. Our services include adult day care services, home care services, hot meal program, health education and screening, citizenship and immigration assistance, public benefits assistance, job training, computer training and ESL class, interpretation and translation services, support services for caregivers, medical clinic and health promotion programs. They currently have 7 offices serving 11 counties in the Greater Chicago area. The festivities started with lamp lighting and invocation prayer. The MC of this event was MASALA -T, who is the costar of the worldwide talk show HOTCHAAT. Currently, he is acting in two hollywood movies and working towards being the biggest Bollywood hollywood dual star ever. He had an amazing stage presence and handled the announcements with ease. He invited all the guests of honor […]

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Pyar Mein Kyun' held its 2nd premiere in Chicago

Chicago IL: October 2nd, 2012, Des Plaines – Chicago. It was yet another evening of excitement, as the cast and crew walked the Red Carpet in the Des Plaines theater in Chicago. Pyar Mein Kyun had its 2nd premiere on Sunday September 30th in Chicago, after its much talked about Gala Red Carpet Premiere held in New York city at the beginning of the week. Pyar Mein Kyun is a full-length Bollywood feature film made entirely in the United States, shot primarily in New York and New Jersey. Presented by RKNet Studios and Aary Films and starring Namaste America host Obaid Kadwani and newcomer Khatera Hakimi, Pyar Mein Kyun is a romantic thriller about love between a teenage girl and a 35-year fashion photographer. But all is not so simple in love as the two discover the truth about one another as the story line unravels. The crowd at the premiere got restless in anticipation of meeting the leading actors. As soon as they saw the beautiful Khatera, they screamed in pleasure and rushed to meet her and talk to her. Khatera obliged by shaking hands with them and posing for pictures with them on the Red Carpet. Khatera looked […]

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Reception organized in honor of Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister in Chicago

Chicago IL: Sounding more like a Raja-risi (saint-politician) rather than politician per se, Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Chauhan impressed the audience at an reception organized in his honor by Friends of India Society International (FISI) and Overseas Friends of BJP at the India Palace Restaurant auditorium in Schaumburg, a suburb of Chicago with his talks on his governance of Madhya Pradesh interspersed with quotes from scriptures and works from intellectual giants like Shri Sankaracharya and Swami Vivekananda. Despite a short notice, over 350 attended crowded the banquet hall. The Chief Minister was on an eight-day tour of the U.S., especially to meet with the World Bank officials and other organizations. . The function commenced by honoring the Chief Minister and his wife, Mrs. Sadhana Chauhan with presentation of floral bouquets by Usha Kumaria and Asha Chandak respectively. The attendees were welcome by Shrinarayan Chandak. He recognized Amar Upadhya, of BJP chapter President and Shridhar Damle, FISI chapter President. He then turned the program over to Vandana Jhingan as the Master of Ceremony. She recognized the sponsors of the event: Amrit Mittal, Naren Patel, Harendra Mangrola, Asha and Anil Oraskar, Chhotulal Patel and Dr. Bharat Barai. Amrit Mittal introduced the […]

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Hindi Lovers’ Club Organize Hindi Divas in Chicago

Chicago, IL: Hindi Lovers Club proudly celebrated ‘Hindi Divas’ on Sunday, October 7, 2012 at the Indo American Center, 6328, W. Devon Ave., Chicago, IL. The program included Musical Welcome by VNS Arts Group. Attendees were served snacks and dinner during the event. Prominent Community members who attended this event were Naren Patel, CEO, Medstar Lab, Santosh Kumar, Executive Director Metropolitan Asian Family Services, Dr. Subhash Pandey from UIC, Vandana Jhingan-TV Asia, Iftekhar Shareef, Chairman FIA, V. K. Kohli Managing Director VNS Arts Group, Sher Mohammad Rajput, Founding Trustee of Indo-American Center, Bina Patel, Dr. Munish Raizada, Jodhsingh Rawat, Ranjana Bhargav, Apna Ghar, Prafull Rami and others. Vinita Gulabani, served as Master of ceremony for the evening and welcomed everyone with her delightful Hindi speech and couplets. Invited guests and advisory board members were called upon for the lamp lighting ceremony, when Mantra was recited by a young kid Lakshya, while Rohit Joshi, chief priest of Northeastern Illinois University chanted holy mantras which was followed by the rendition of National Anthem of both the countries by Shanu Sinha and Kids of Balodyan and the audience present. Vinita Gulabani, gave an introduction of all the dignitaries, starting with Naren Patel, who […]

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