Dr. Richard Benkin
Subject: Dr. Richard Benkin Event: Dr. Richard Benkin For details click on flier Dear my fellow Hindu brothers and sisters, Congressman Robert Dold of the Illinois Tenth District is someone who has stood up for Hindu rights in the United States Congress-one of the only persons to do so. He changed the debate about the ethnic cleansing of Hindus in Bangladesh from one that talked about “minorities” to one that identifies it as a specifically anti-Hindu action. No one else did that before, and I can promise you that I am ready to move in 2013 with real action to stop this atrocity and Congressman Dold will be the most important person in Washington when I do. Congressman Dold is also one of the leaders in Washington to stop the oppression of Hindus in Pakistan. If we cannot band together and re-elect our great friend, Congressman Robert Dold, what can we do? Everyone must contact all Hindus in the Illinois Tenth District and make sure they get out and vote on Election Day-Tuesday, November 6-for Congressman Dold. For me, this has long ceased to be about politics. This is about saving Hindu lives. It’s about taking real action to stop […]
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