Launching of encyclopedia of Hinduism in Chicagoland

Chicago IL: One of the most unique books on Hinduisms that took twenty-five years in the making with contributions from well over 1000 esteemed scholars from across the world. The Encyclopedia of Hinduism with 11-volumes and approximately 7000 entries formally saw the light of the day at a glittering event at Manav Seva Mandir(MSM) on Saturday July 27,2013 It is the first of its time in the history that the depth and breadth of India’s great spiritual culture is made available in authentic, academic and scholastic form for generations to come and as put by DP Prajapatiof Manav Seva Mandir “ a great boon to the second and third generations of Indiansliving abroad to learn and understand the true meaning of Hinduism.” The launch was at the hands of one of the saintly persons from India, Swami Chidanand Saraswatij, in the presence of four hundred plus scholars and priests of Hinduism, representatives of various social and religious organizations and followers of Sanatan Dharma which popularly knows as Hinduism. The Encyclopedia was conceived, inspired and blessed by Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji was published by India Heritage Research Foundation. Swamiji won theheartsand minds of all those present with his soul searching speech which […]

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Procession on the Martyrdom of Imam ‘Ali in Chicago"

Chicago IL: Procession on Devon Ave in regards to Shahadath death anniversary of Imam Ali was on Sunday 28th July 2013 at 3pm to 6pm. This procession starts at Devon and Levitt and ends at Warren park. Over 600 people participate in Procession. The procession was taken out in memory of martyrdom of Imam Husain and his faithful 72 companions Imam ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib was the first successor of the Prophet Muhammad and his son-in-law married to his only daughter, Fatima Zahra. In Shi’a theology, an Imam is a Divine designation bestowed and chosen by God through His Prophet. This Divine Leadership is exclusive to the Imams’ of the Family of the Prophet Muhammad (Ahl-ul Bayt). In common usage, an Imam is also referred to a leader of the mosque or a scholar. In the 40th year of the Islamic Era, the early hour of dawn of the 19th day of the glorious month of Fasting (Ramadan), Imam ‘Ali was struck by a poisonous sword by Abdur Rahman ibn Muljim, a Kharijite (Rebel) inside the Mosque of Kufa, Iraq, while Imam ‘Ali was in his prayers. The killing and murder was instigated by Mu’awiyah, a self-proclaimed caliph, son of […]

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Overwhelming singer support given to Chicago Indian Icon Audition 3

Chicago IL: Singing auditions can be challenging even for the most seasoned singer and one has to present the best to have a chance to progress to the next level, namely, the semi-final round of Chicago Indian Icon (CII) competition. Clad in comfortable outfit of one’s choice, wearing a small CII badge, you are ready to take on this challenge. And even though the performance is in the competitive setting, when you sing your heart off, exposing your soul on stage, and listening to the sweet sounds of the audience applause when it is all over, it truly becomes a thrilling experience! It is a joy ride, and it is not the destination that counts, it is the ride that makes a difference, and being a part of this truly historic movement of the CII karaoke competition is a memorable lifetime experience! The CII karaoke competition is making history for it is the first of its kind in the US and the response from the Indian community has been positively abundant, exploding every imaginable bench mark, and propelling itself to the forefront of music-lovers’ dream of a unified musical platform where everything is possible. The dream, vision, and behind-the-scene hard […]

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Overwhelming community support given for a noble cause of Uttarakhand Disaster

Chicago IL: On Sunday July 21, 2013 Mr. Jagmohan Jayara and Mr. Ravi Rawat natives of Uttarakhand hosted a very successful fundraiser at the India House Banquet, 1521 W Schaumburg Rd, Schaumburg, IL Both welcomed over 400 Guest to the Uttarakhand disaster relief fundraising event and with help of key volunteers like Mrs. Vandana Dalal, Mr. & Mrs. Sudha & Dr. Hans Upadhyay, Mr. Pritesh Gandhi, Mr. Paresh Patel, Mr. Jassi Parmar, Mr. Nilesh Patel, Mrs. Shree Mohanty, Mr. Amit Patel, Mrs. Shirley Hathaway, Mr. Raman Patel, Mr. Bob Shah, Mr. Ashok Shah, Mr. Suryakant Patel raised nearly $ 61000.00. The event raised money for the contribution of rebuilding Char Dham Uttarakhand, where the devastation and destruction is beyond belief and comprehension. As the hall slowly filled with families and friends, the prominent Desi junction Radio Host Mr. Jassi Parmar and Mrs. Sudha Upadhyay a native of Uttarakhand took charge of the stage as Emcee. The program begin with a “Ganesh Stuti” by Sree Mohanty a professional singer followed by Indian national anthem by her & United States national anthem by Dr. Hans Upadhyay a native of Uttarakhand. A moment of silence was observed. The main organizers Ravi Rawat, Jagmohan […]

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Chicago Indian Icon (CII), First Semi- Final

Subject: Chicago Indian Icon (CII), First Semi- Final Event: Chicago Indian Icon (CII), First Semi- Final Date: August 4,2013, 11.00 AM – 4:00 PM Venue: Waterford Banquet, 933 S. Riverside Dr, Elmhurst, IL 60126 For details click on flier Disclaimer: – Asian Media USA The material attached to this E-flyer is an advertising material received from promoter. Readers are requested to make appropriate inquiries and take appropriate advice before acting on the attached material. Asian Media USA shall not be liable to any person for loss or damage incurred or suffered as a result of his / her accepting or offering to accept an invitation contained in any advertisement published in this email. “The information in this e-mail and any attachments is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee or addressees. If you are not an intended recipient, please delete the message and any attachments and notify the sender of miss-delivery. Any use or disclosure of the contents of either is unauthorized and may be unlawful. All liability for viruses is excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, except where the […]

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GIEO GITA Swami Shree GyananandJi Maharaj

Subject: GIEO GITA Swami Shree GyananandJi Maharaj Event: GIEO GITA Swami Shree GyananandJi Maharaj Date: Saturday- August 10, 2013 and Sunday – August 11, 2013, Both days 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM Venue: Manav Seva Mandir, 101 S. Church Road, Bensenville, IL 60106 For details click on flier Disclaimer: – Asian Media USA The material attached to this E-flyer is an advertising material received from promoter. Readers are requested to make appropriate inquiries and take appropriate advice before acting on the attached material. Asian Media USA shall not be liable to any person for loss or damage incurred or suffered as a result of his / her accepting or offering to accept an invitation contained in any advertisement published in this email. “The information in this e-mail and any attachments is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee or addressees. If you are not an intended recipient, please delete the message and any attachments and notify the sender of miss-delivery. Any use or disclosure of the contents of either is unauthorized and may be unlawful. All liability for viruses is excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this message […]

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Procession on Devon Ave in regards to Shahadath death anniversary of Imam Ali A.S.

Subject: Procession on Devon Ave in regards to Shahadath death anniversary of Imam Ali A.S. Event: Procession on Devon Ave in regards to Shahadath death anniversary of Imam Ali A.S. Date: July 28, 2013 For details click on flier Disclaimer: – Asian Media USA The material attached to this E-flyer is an advertising material received from promoter. Readers are requested to make appropriate inquiries and take appropriate advice before acting on the attached material. Asian Media USA shall not be liable to any person for loss or damage incurred or suffered as a result of his / her accepting or offering to accept an invitation contained in any advertisement published in this email. “The information in this e-mail and any attachments is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee or addressees. If you are not an intended recipient, please delete the message and any attachments and notify the sender of miss-delivery. Any use or disclosure of the contents of either is unauthorized and may be unlawful. All liability for viruses is excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, except where the […]

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Masti Entertainment and DCA Presents Chicago ki Aawaz

Subject: Masti Entertainment and DCA Presents Chicago ki Aawaz Event: Masti Entertainment and DCA Presents Chicago ki Aawaz Date: 7:00 PM, Saturday – August 10, 2013 Venue: Pakwaan Restaurant, 7947 Golf Road, Morton Grove, IL. For details click on flier Disclaimer: – Asian Media USA The material attached to this E-flyer is an advertising material received from promoter. Readers are requested to make appropriate inquiries and take appropriate advice before acting on the attached material. Asian Media USA shall not be liable to any person for loss or damage incurred or suffered as a result of his / her accepting or offering to accept an invitation contained in any advertisement published in this email. “The information in this e-mail and any attachments is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee or addressees. If you are not an intended recipient, please delete the message and any attachments and notify the sender of miss-delivery. Any use or disclosure of the contents of either is unauthorized and may be unlawful. All liability for viruses is excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, except where […]

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Ramadan Mubarak from HDF family to yours

Subject: Ramadan Mubarak from HDF family to yours Event: Ramadan Mubarak from HDF family to yours For details click on flier Disclaimer: – Asian Media USA The material attached to this E-flyer is an advertising material received from promoter. Readers are requested to make appropriate inquiries and take appropriate advice before acting on the attached material. Asian Media USA shall not be liable to any person for loss or damage incurred or suffered as a result of his / her accepting or offering to accept an invitation contained in any advertisement published in this email. “The information in this e-mail and any attachments is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee or addressees. If you are not an intended recipient, please delete the message and any attachments and notify the sender of miss-delivery. Any use or disclosure of the contents of either is unauthorized and may be unlawful. All liability for viruses is excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, except where the sender states them, with requisite authority, to be those of the Asian Media USA

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Jain Society of Chicago presents JSMC Mela

Subject: Jain Society of Chicago presents JSMC Mela Event: Jain Society of Chicago presents JSMC Mela Date: Saturday, August 3rd, 2013 12:00 noon onwards Venue: Jain Center, 435 N. Route 59, Bartlett, IL 60103 For details click on flier Disclaimer: – Asian Media USA The material attached to this E-flyer is an advertising material received from promoter. Readers are requested to make appropriate inquiries and take appropriate advice before acting on the attached material. Asian Media USA shall not be liable to any person for loss or damage incurred or suffered as a result of his / her accepting or offering to accept an invitation contained in any advertisement published in this email. “The information in this e-mail and any attachments is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee or addressees. If you are not an intended recipient, please delete the message and any attachments and notify the sender of miss-delivery. Any use or disclosure of the contents of either is unauthorized and may be unlawful. All liability for viruses is excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, except where the […]

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Join with us for Ramadan celebration Breaking Fast “Iftar” dinner

Subject: Join with us for Ramadan celebration Breaking Fast “Iftar” dinner Event: Join with us for Ramadan celebration Breaking Fast “Iftar” dinner Venue: Masjid Al Huda, 1081 Irving Park Road, Schaumburg, IL 60193 Date: Tuesday – July 30, 2013 For details click on flier Disclaimer: – Asian Media USA The material attached to this E-flyer is an advertising material received from promoter. Readers are requested to make appropriate inquiries and take appropriate advice before acting on the attached material. Asian Media USA shall not be liable to any person for loss or damage incurred or suffered as a result of his / her accepting or offering to accept an invitation contained in any advertisement published in this email. “The information in this e-mail and any attachments is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee or addressees. If you are not an intended recipient, please delete the message and any attachments and notify the sender of miss-delivery. Any use or disclosure of the contents of either is unauthorized and may be unlawful. All liability for viruses is excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this message are those of the […]

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Pakistan Independence Day Flag Raising ceremony

Subject: Pakistan Independence Day Flag Raising ceremony Event: Pakistan Independence Day Flag Raising ceremony Date: Wednesday, August 14, 2013 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM Venue: Daily Plaza, 50 W. Washington Street, Chicago, IL, 60602 For details click on flier Disclaimer: – Asian Media USA The material attached to this E-flyer is an advertising material received from promoter. Readers are requested to make appropriate inquiries and take appropriate advice before acting on the attached material. Asian Media USA shall not be liable to any person for loss or damage incurred or suffered as a result of his / her accepting or offering to accept an invitation contained in any advertisement published in this email. “The information in this e-mail and any attachments is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee or addressees. If you are not an intended recipient, please delete the message and any attachments and notify the sender of miss-delivery. Any use or disclosure of the contents of either is unauthorized and may be unlawful. All liability for viruses is excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, except where the […]

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Pakistan 66th Independence Day Parade

Subject: Pakistan 66th Independence Day Parade Event: Pakistan 66th Independence Day Parade Date: August 18, 2013 Mela Festival 2 to 7:30 PM Location: Damen and Devon Ave For details click on flier Disclaimer: – Asian Media USA The material attached to this E-flyer is an advertising material received from promoter. Readers are requested to make appropriate inquiries and take appropriate advice before acting on the attached material. Asian Media USA shall not be liable to any person for loss or damage incurred or suffered as a result of his / her accepting or offering to accept an invitation contained in any advertisement published in this email. “The information in this e-mail and any attachments is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee or addressees. If you are not an intended recipient, please delete the message and any attachments and notify the sender of miss-delivery. Any use or disclosure of the contents of either is unauthorized and may be unlawful. All liability for viruses is excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, except where the sender states them, with requisite authority, to […]

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Shree Jalaram Mandir Organizes Bhagwat Katha and Guru Purnima

Chicago IL: Shree Jalaram Mandir, Chicago located at 425, Illinois street, Hoffman Estates, Illinois 60169 organized ‘Shrimad Bhagwat Katha from Monday July 15, 2013 to Sunday July 21, 2013. Its timings were from Monday to Friday was from 6-30 to 930 pm and on Saturday from 1-00 pm to 3-30 pm and 5-00 to 8-00 pm. On Sunday it was from 3-00 to 6-00 pm. Every day Mahaprasd was served between 5-00 to 6-00 pm.The Shrimad Bhagwat is one of the most sacred books of the Hindus.It gives a tremendous insight, a profound vision, and an entirely new perspective to the person who hears the narrative. On hearing, a person is never the same. There is a complete metamorphosis, a complete transformation, literally a new birth. Atman (soul) by its own nature is sovereign – it cannot by nature be bound – whatever bondages felt are sheer illusions of the mind. On the first Day of beginning of Shrimad Bhagwat Katha Param Pujya shree Guruji Bhupendra Pandya arrived with Pothi- Bhagwat and was received with great enthusiasm by devotees and Shobha Yatra was travelling through Parking area to the Temple and was very well received by one and all the […]

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100 years of Indian Cinema Concert and Awards

Subject: 100 years of Indian Cinema Concert and Awards Event: 100 years of Indian Cinema Concert and Awards Date: August 30 – September 1, 2013 For details click on flier 100 years of Indian Cinema, Look who’s coming to Chicago!!! SALMAN KHAN with Katrina, Ranveer, Prabhu Deva and Sonakshi!! The night’s gonna be UNFORGETTABLE! Chicago, ARE YOU READY!! Tickets to go on sale June 17th! For more information, log on to Email [email protected] call 1-847-227-8780. On Twitter follow @100IndianCinema and On Facebook: Disclaimer: – Asian Media USA The material attached to this E-flyer is an advertising material received from promoter. Readers are requested to make appropriate inquiries and take appropriate advice before acting on the attached material. Asian Media USA shall not be liable to any person for loss or damage incurred or suffered as a result of his / her accepting or offering to accept an invitation contained in any advertisement published in this email. “The information in this e-mail and any attachments is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee or addressees. If you are not an intended recipient, please delete the message and any attachments and notify the […]

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Gujarati Samaj Organizes Fun-Filled Family Picnic

Chicago IL : Gujarati Samaj Chicago (GSC) organized a Family Picnic From 11:30 am to 7:00 pm, on Sunday July 14th, 2013 at Cook County Forest Preserve, Northwest Busse Grove# 24(Located on Higgins Road, Less than 1/2 mile East of 290, East of Route 53). Member Entrance Charges were $7 per persons and advance purchase charges were $6 per persons. For Non Members the charges were $10 per person-advance purchase $8 per person. Kids 5 years and below were free. Close to 350 members, friends, and well-wishers participated. Gujarati Samaj organizes picnics every year in summer. President Suryakant Patel, and his team of Executives and volunteers showed great enthusiasm and effort in maintaining a trouble free environment for all the participants. The food team was ready with Lunch at 11:30 am consisting of Gota, Chai, Mexican food, chatni, Chips & Salsa, Nachos & cheese, Popsicle and Ice cream. Dinner was served between 5:45-6:30 pm consisting of Khichdi, Kadhi, Veg Shak, Puri. To compensate for the hot weather, Water Melon was also served. The temperature was around 90 degrees F and enough water and drinks, with paper cups and paper towels were stacked to supply to the thirsty participants throughout the […]

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Raunak Mela – A summer celebration hosted by Hari Om Mandir

Chicago IL : Hari Om Mandir organized their annual ‘Raunak Mela-2013’ at Hari Om Mandir,6N020 Medinah Road, Medinah, IL on Sunday, July,14 from 11-00 am. to 5-00 pm. where close to 200 devotees, friends, and well-wishers participated. Those who came to the the Mela enjoyed and had a lot of fun filled activities. For kids, there was Moonwalk etc. Other attractions were Snacks, Merchandise Stalls, Health Fair and much more. There were many items for eating, which included-Chole Bhature onsite by Singla family, mouth watering Dosa’s by Dakshin restaurant; Panipuri, Samosa/Tikki and Rossgulla by Star food, Sandwich & Sprouts by Sneh Chaudhari, Corn stall by Vipan Wadhera was managed by Giri Dassani, Bhel Puri, Lassi, Juice and Soft Drink etc. which were enjoyed by all. Hari Om Mandir’s youth volunteers actively participated to mange various stalls and other activities. As always a Health camp was also organized for health checkup of nearly 100 people. They received Blood Sugar Checkup, EKG, and Blood Pressure screening. Dr. Om Dhingra and Dr. Ramesh Dhingra volunteered to conduct the entire Health Checkup and Shashank Saxena and Sharul Saxena assisted them. Sham Taxali, member executive board praised the service rendered at the Health Camp during […]

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India Tribune Nite …a sensational treat of fashion and dance

Rolling Meadows, IL: It was extravaganza of fashion, dances, breathtaking lights and sound as India Tribune presented the India Tribune Nite 2013 which rocked a capacity audience at the classy Meadows Club here on Saturday, July 13, 2013. ‘Outstanding…”, “breathtaking”, “the best community event”, were only some of the accolades which were heard, as the audience were treated to a vibrant fashion show by Studio Elite choreographed by Monica Gandhi and presented by Shahida Khan and Abiha Javed Khan. This was followed by a truly memorable dance concert aptly titled “Dance, Vance te Rhythm Suhana” by performers from Hollywood and Chicago led by choreographer and dancer Shivani Thakkar. The show was conceived and scripted by Madan Kulkarni and narrated by Shebani Kulkarni. The finesse and energy of the MKM Bollystars from Hollywood, the sensuousness of Arabian dancers Megan and Jessica and the breathtaking pyrotechnics of hip hop and breakers Danny Haywood and the Brave Monks from Chicago had the audience gasping in awe and appreciation. The evening began with a cocktail hour which featured some tasty appetizers and top shelf spirits served by the attentive staff of the Meadows Club. The attendees were immediately in high spirits and walked into […]

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Swami Mukundananda in Chicago

Subject: Swami Mukundananda in Chicago Event: Swami Mukundananda in Chicago Date: Sept 14-Sept 18 For details click on flier Disclaimer: – Asian Media USA The material attached to this E-flyer is an advertising material received from promoter. Readers are requested to make appropriate inquiries and take appropriate advice before acting on the attached material. Asian Media USA shall not be liable to any person for loss or damage incurred or suffered as a result of his / her accepting or offering to accept an invitation contained in any advertisement published in this email. “The information in this e-mail and any attachments is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee or addressees. If you are not an intended recipient, please delete the message and any attachments and notify the sender of miss-delivery. Any use or disclosure of the contents of either is unauthorized and may be unlawful. All liability for viruses is excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, except where the sender states them, with requisite authority, to be those of the Asian Media USA

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Punjabi Youth Festival

Subject: Punjabi Youth Festival Event: Punjabi Youth Festival Date: 7:00 pm sharp, Saturday – July 13, 2013 Venue: Des Plaines Theater, 1476 Miner Street Des Plaines, IL 60016 For details click on flier Disclaimer: – Asian Media USA The material attached to this E-flyer is an advertising material received from promoter. Readers are requested to make appropriate inquiries and take appropriate advice before acting on the attached material. Asian Media USA shall not be liable to any person for loss or damage incurred or suffered as a result of his / her accepting or offering to accept an invitation contained in any advertisement published in this email. “The information in this e-mail and any attachments is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee or addressees. If you are not an intended recipient, please delete the message and any attachments and notify the sender of miss-delivery. Any use or disclosure of the contents of either is unauthorized and may be unlawful. All liability for viruses is excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, except where the sender states them, with requisite authority, […]

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