Diwali with Manju and Rajeev Goel Family

Carol Stream, IL: Republican Party is truly going all out to reach out to the minority and ethnic communities to build a new coalition. The occasion was to celebrate Diwali, Jain New Year, Guru Nanak Jayanti, Bharatiya New Year and Jai Bharat and Modi Vision the campaign of Manju Goel, a first generation Indian American, for U.S. Congress by Manju and Rajeev Goel Family supported by Bharatiya Senior Citizens of Chicago. The event was held from 1-00 to 8-00 pm on Sunday, November 17, 2013 at Rana- Reagan Community Center located at 343 St. Paul Blvd Carol Stream IL. This event was full of activity, entertainment, fun and food. Alka Tyler introduced Manju Goel as the voice of the people and the voice of common sense. She highlighted her personal experience in the healthcare industry as a big asset to the Indian American population, who, disproportionate to their population, represent 8% of all physicians in the country. Manju told the cheering crowd: “I ‘m running for congress because America is on the wrong track. We’re spending $1.35 for every $1.00 we bring in. We’re discouraging rather than encouraging entrepreneurs and job creators with burdensome regulations. I am deeply concerned about […]

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Dazzling 33rdAnnual Meeting of Indian American Medical Association

Chicago IL: The Indian American Medical Association of Illinois held its 33rd Annual Meeting and Banquet on Saturday, November 16, 2013 at the classy Meadows Club reflecting on the highlights of this year and focusing on its future in the coming year. IAMA is a non-profit professional organization comprised of Illinois Physicians of Indian Origin committed to professional excellence in quality patient care, teaching and community education. Their motto is Unity of purpose, collegiality in action, commitment to excellence and compassion towards fellow beings. Dignitaries present were: His Holiness Sant Rajinder Singh ji, his wife Rita ji and his son Dr. Kunwarjit Singh and his wife, Mr. Ken Busch, President Elect Chicago Medical Society; Mr. Mickey Straube, Mayor of Burr Ridge; Dr. Gopal Lalmalani, Mayor of Oakbrook; Dr. Ramanathan Raju, CEO Cook County Health and Hospitals System; Mr. Yash Amin, Director of Drug Compliance, Illinois Professional Regulation; Ms. Manju Goel, Candidate for Congress from 8th District and Ms. Swati Dandekar Candidate for Congress from IOWA and many others. Cocktail Reception started from 6-00 pm onwards. There were different booths of Vendors which included I-med IT; Atlantic Realty Associates & Property Services; Global Financial Group; Manju for Congress; Aishwarya’s Kreations; Angel […]

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Dance Masti 2014 New Year’s Eve Gala

Subject: Dance Masti 2014 New Year’s Eve Gala Event: Dance Masti 2014 New Year’s Eve Gala Time: 8 pm, Tuesday, December 31, 2013 For details click on flier Disclaimer: – Asian Media USA The material attached to this E-flyer is an advertising material received from promoter. Readers are requested to make appropriate inquiries and take appropriate advice before acting on the attached material. Asian Media USA shall not be liable to any person for loss or damage incurred or suffered as a result of his / her accepting or offering to accept an invitation contained in any advertisement published in this email. “The information in this e-mail and any attachments is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee or addressees. If you are not an intended recipient, please delete the message and any attachments and notify the sender of miss-delivery. Any use or disclosure of the contents of either is unauthorized and may be unlawful. All liability for viruses is excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, except where the sender states them, with requisite authority, to be those of the […]

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Seminar By Acharya Vivekji

Subject: Chinmaya mission chicago Event: Chinmaya mission chicago Time: 11-21-2013 and 11-22-2013 For details click on flier Disclaimer: – Asian Media USA The material attached to this E-flyer is an advertising material received from promoter. Readers are requested to make appropriate inquiries and take appropriate advice before acting on the attached material. Asian Media USA shall not be liable to any person for loss or damage incurred or suffered as a result of his / her accepting or offering to accept an invitation contained in any advertisement published in this email. “The information in this e-mail and any attachments is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee or addressees. If you are not an intended recipient, please delete the message and any attachments and notify the sender of miss-delivery. Any use or disclosure of the contents of either is unauthorized and may be unlawful. All liability for viruses is excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, except where the sender states them, with requisite authority, to be those of the Asian Media USA

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BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir in Bartlett, IL Celebrates Diwali

Chicago IL: For Hindus, the festival of Diwali presents an opportunity to renew the rich traditions of their roots with great fanfare as well as a chance to reflect and introspect. Realizing these important facts, His Holiness Pramukh Swami Maharaj, the spiritual leader of BAPS, inspires programs across BAPS centers worldwide to celebrate Hindu festivals, such as Diwali. With a beautifully decorated mandir, fireworks lighting up the night sky, and displays of various types of sweets and food dishes, a festive ambiance was created at the BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir in Bartlett over the course of the past week to observe one of the most renowned Hindu festivals of the year. The foundation of Diwali is based in the belief of dispelling darkness with light. While candles are lit to remove darkness, more important is the recognition of the darkness within human nature manifested through destructive emotions such as anger, envy, greed, arrogance, and hatred. The festival of Diwali is celebrated over five days, with each day carrying its own unique significance and form of celebration. Festivities began on Saturday, October 26th where hundreds of kids and parents alike gathered for the Children’s Diwali Celebration. The program included fun-filled games […]

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Air India’s Onboard Menu and Meal Presentation

Chicago IL: Air India Chicago invited Media Partners to “Air India’s Onboard Menu Presentation and meal sampling for 2013-14” being held on Friday, November 15, 2013 at Flying Food Servair inflight caterers, 4330 N Trans World Road, Schiller Park at 12-00 Noon. Manager Rishikant Singh, District Passenger Sales Manager Katherine Thorat, Deputy Manager Airport, Sonny Thomas welcomed the members of the Media. Sonny Thomas invited all to the area where meal service tray for each of the three classes of service in appropriate crockery were on display for inspection. Vasant Pakhiddey, the Indian chef of Flying Foods held forth on different items being served in the flight and types of meal which included Jain, Continental, Vegetarian and Non vegetarian foods. He fielded all queries regarding the preparation, time taken, various processes, the kitchen facility regarding hygienic care, quality, and certification. He praised the high standards of Inflight catering in US and that of Air India. Rishikant Singh advised the constant research on menu for stomach times of flyers depending on the route flown, the food preparation process, health and hygiene standards, quantum and number of services, besides menu changes and improvement of tastes. The inflight menu does try to cater […]

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Pratham Chicago Gala a Grand Success

Chicago IL: Pratham Chicago celebrated its 2013 Annual Gala on November 16, 2013, at the Best Western Plus Hotel in Schaumburg. The theme of the Gala was “Educate a Child and Empower a Community”. The Gala Co-Chairs Prabha Ravi and Komal Patel organized an exciting evening focusing on the children and college students in Chicago who have volunteered to raise money for educating the poor children in India. Kamal Hans of Rasaka Theater Company was the Master of Ceremonies and helped with the pledge drive to collect $95,000 during the evening. The evening began with a classical Bharat Natyam fusion dance performed by the students of University of Chicago(UC). It was followed by a short summary of Pratham activities in India, presented by Dr. Raj Rajaram, President of the Chicago chapter. He mentioned the following four major programs conducted in 19 states: 1. Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) based on data from 595 districts (out of a total of 600 districts) which is used by the government of India as a benchmark of Education Quality in India. The ASER survey method is being followed in 7 other countries. 2. Read India program in 250 districts which emphasizes reading, writing […]

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Six Gam Patidar Samaj of Chicago hosted a colorful Diwali festival

Chicago, IL : On Saturday, November 9th, 2013, Six Gam Patidar Samaj (SGPS) hosted a splendid Diwali Dinner Celebration with SGPS Families, Friends, and Relatives. The event was held at India House Banquet, 1521 W Schaumburg Rd, Schaumburg, Illinois 60194 The evening was full of exciting short speeches, delicious traditional Diwali chow, and Live Entertainment, Spectacular Cocktail Reception, Dazzling Decoration, Indian Food, Cultural Programs, Vibrant Dances. Diwali is one of the biggest Hindu festivals celebrated among many people and communities in the United States. Many schools, community groups, Hindu associations, Indian organizations and corporate businesses get involved in celebrating Diwali. Politicians, including governors and past presidents, previously made public announcements expressing their greetings and well wishes to Hindus on Diwali. Event’s Master of ceremony was conducted by SGPS-Chicago secretary Nirav Amin, and Binti Patel(Daughter of Kamlesh Patel, SGPS Board of trustee). The event started around early evening hours with a spectacular cocktail reception, lasting for almost an hour and half. SGPS families and friends greeted each other with warmth enjoying mouth watering Indian appetizers. Right after that the event was started with an American and Indian national anthem by Eva M Patel. The welcome speech was given by SGPS-Chicago president […]

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Swami Vivekananda’s Spiritual Heirs Delve into his Legacy on 150th Birth Anniversary

Chicago: Vivekananda Vedanta Society (VVS) of Chicago hosted a two-day conference at the downtown Hilton from November 9, 2013 to commemorate the 150th Birth Anniversary of its illustrious founder, who introduced Hinduism to America through his electrifying address on September 11, 1893 before the World Parliament of Religions (WPR) in Chicago. Attended by fifty monastics from around the world, this first day was devoted to fathoming various aspects of Swami Vivekananda’s (SV) legacy now that Hindus and saffron robed monks are a common sight here. Asheesh Sen read out the welcome address by Illinois Governor Pat Quinn, who had recently declared Sep. 28 state-wide as Swami Vivekananda Day. Likewise read out by Swami Mahayogananda, Ramakrishna Order President Swami Atmasthananda’s message of felicitation quoted Vivekananda’s speech of Sep. 28, 1893 urging Americans to transcend the limitations of the ego by aspiring for infinite individuality. Associated since 1950 with VVS that he joined in 1960, senior Swami Chetanananda described “The transformation from Narendranath to Swami Vivekananda” contrasting the before and the after. SV, who arrived on 30 July 1893 in Chicago and left for the last time for India in 1990, lived a short life of 39 years and 5 months to […]

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Chinmaya Mission Chicago-Annual Fund-raising Banquet "Live to Love"

Chicago IL: Love was in the air on the evening of November 10, 2013 at Waterford Banquet and Conference Center in Elmhurst, IL. The occasion was the Annual Fundraising Banquet for Chinmaya Mission Chicago (a nonprofit organization), Badri (Willowbrook, IL) and Yamunotri (Grayslake, IL) centers. The goal of the evening was to raise funds to support, sustain and enhance the already existing programs. Chinmaya Mission, with over 400 centers worldwide was founded by the devotees of one of the greatest Vedantic Masters of our time, Swami Chinmayananda in the 1950s. Its purpose as stated in his own words is, “To provide to individuals from any background the wisdom of Vedanta and the practical means for spiritual growth and happiness, enabling them to become positive contributors to society.” The current worldwide head of Chinmaya Mission is H.H. Swami Tejomayananda, who is continuing the work of his Guru with immense Love and devotion. Over 740 people were assembled to lend support to such an organization with love in their hearts for a noble cause. The theme of the evening was ‘Live to Love’ which was reflected in the ambiance, the food, the speeches, the cultural program, the dinner and the blessings showered […]

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Monastics from around the World Render Homage to Vivekananda at his Ganges Monastery, Ganges, Michigan

Chicago IL: Over fifty monastics arrived from around the world at the Vivekananda Monastery at Ganges, Mich., in the early sunny afternoon of November 7, 2013, to render obeisance to their Founder-Swami on his 150th birth anniversary. Coming from as far away as Germany, Switzerland, Moscow, Brazil, Argentina, South Asia, Japan, and Fiji, some of the monks were accompanied by foreign devotees, ill-at-ease with English, and likewise visiting Chicago or North America, for the first time. To receive them at the gate of this expansive retreat center and accompany them in joyous procession to the main shrine were devotees from around the Midwest, with others coming from as far away as Canada and Houston, Texas. The monastics, counting over a dozen nuns (pravrajika), participated in two conclaves the next day morning: after the heads of the order had deliberated on internal administrative matters, they were joined by the rest to confer on mission strategy and planning, before leaving in the early afternoon to the Lemont temple. The contingent, which included General Secretary of Ramakrishna Mission Swami Suhitanandaji, arrived by bus from the Ramakrishna Temple at Homer Glen, accompanied by Minister-in-Charge of Vivekananda Vedanta Society (VVS) of Chicago Swami Ishatmananda. Resounding […]

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