Celebration of Asian American Heritage Month with Awards Ceremony

Chicago IL: Chicago celebrated its 14th Annual Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month (AAHM) on May 16 with an awards ceremony and cultural program at noon at Richard J. Daley Center downtown. The reception was hosted jointly by Dorothy Brown, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County (CCCC), and Beena Patel, president of the 14-year old Asian American Employees Social Club (AAESC). This year Mrs. Dorothy Brown, due to conflict in schedule, could not attend the event in person. Her place was substituted by Mr. Michael Moore, executive clerk of Court Operations and Administration Principal Host Mrs.Beena Patel, Asian Committee Chair and Associate Clerk of First Municipal Bureau. Beena opened the event and first congratulated Prime-minister elect of India, Mr. Narendra Modi for his triumphant overwhelming election victory in recent Indian general election. Master of Ceremony ‘Miss Chicago’ Ms. Marisa Buchheit, individually thanked all the AAESC members and event sponsors. She recognized name dignitaries present, foreign Diplomatic Personnel present including Deputy Council General of India Mr. N. J. Gangate, Media Representatives, Community Leaders, and her own support staff. She recounted how AAHM was started over 10 yrs. ago to celebrate contributions of American Asian-Pacific communities. Award Presentations:, Award recipients for the […]
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