03-24-2018 Ilayaraja live concert
03-25-2018 Adbhut Media Launch
03-31-2018 PCS Rangla Punjab [Bollywood Dance Academy-Prachi Jaitly]
04-01-2018 Bhupendra Singh
04-06-2018 Atulkumar Verma
04-06-2018 Pritam Live Concert Chicago
04-06-2018 Pritam Live Concert
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04-19-2018 FIA Kick off
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09-11-2018 USHA invites you for celebration of the 125th anniversary of the historic Chicago address of Swami Vivekananda to the World Parliament of Religions

Event: Celebration of the historic speech of Swami Vivekananda at the World Parliament of Religious in 1893 Time: 6:00pm – 8:30pm Date: Tuesday – September 11, 2018 Venue: Hindu Temple of Greater Chicago 10915 Lemont Rd, Lemont, IL 60439 The United States Hindu Alliance (USHA) cordially invites you to the launch event of Chicago Address 125, a yearlong nationwide celebration of the 125th anniversary of the historic Chicago address of Swami Vivekananda to the World Parliament of Religions. Admission is free. Vegetarian dinner will be provided. RSVP is required since seats are limited and dinner is being served. To register, please visit www.events4.us/chicagoaddress125. For more information, please call any of the following volunteers: Nirav Patel: (630) 709-9902 Amitabh Mittal: (224) 388-9122 Tilak Marwaha: (708) 275-3769 Kumar Natesa Iyer: (847) 727-5012 Das Rajagopal: (630) 640-6535 Riddhi Patel: (201) 406-3773
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