02-23-2012 Pujya Gurudevshri Rakeshbhai

Chicago IL: Ahimsa is widely understood as ‘not harming or hurting others.’ But is this its complete meaning? Pujya Gurudevshri Rakeshbhai offers an invaluable insight into the true essence of ahimsa. Bhagwan Mahavira expounded ahimsa as the ultimate dharma. One may question why a negative word ahimsa meaning non-violence was used. Should religion not denote something positive? Ahimsa – the State of Love In truth, though non-violence sounds negative, it is an extremely positive state. It is the state of absolute and complete love – and what can be more positive than love itself? It is only because we are familiar with the state of violence, that this term has been used. It is to ease our transition from the known state of violence to the unknown state of love that the term non-violence has been used. In order to obliterate darkness; the presence of light is necessary. So also, the darkness of violence is dispelled only in the positive light of love. Having understood that ahimsa means love, one may further ask why love has not been called the ultimate dharma; why the word ahimsa has been used. Again, the Enlightened Ones explain that there is an important reason […]

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The True Meaning of Ahimsa

Chicago IL: Ahimsa is widely understood as ‘not harming or hurting others.’ But is this its complete meaning? Pujya Gurudevshri Rakeshbhai offers an invaluable insight into the true essence of ahimsa. Bhagwan Mahavira expounded ahimsa as the ultimate dharma. One may question why a negative word ahimsa meaning non-violence was used. Should religion not denote something positive? Ahimsa – the State of Love In truth, though non-violence sounds negative, it is an extremely positive state. It is the state of absolute and complete love – and what can be more positive than love itself? It is only because we are familiar with the state of violence, that this term has been used. It is to ease our transition from the known state of violence to the unknown state of love that the term non-violence has been used. In order to obliterate darkness; the presence of light is necessary. So also, the darkness of violence is dispelled only in the positive light of love. Having understood that ahimsa means love, one may further ask why love has not been called the ultimate dharma; why the word ahimsa has been used. Again, the Enlightened Ones explain that there is an important reason […]

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