About Us

Asian Media USA (AMU), is a news reporting group

Asian Median USA (AMU) is one of the top growing media company in USA today. We started with reporting Indian Community news in Chicago metropolitan area and quickly become one of the prominent ethnic media group covering Indian, Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Indonesian, Nepali, Bhutan, Burma, Sri Lanka, Chinese, Korean and Philippines and other south Asian groups in Chicago. We are the group of volunteers, who believe in giving back to society. We are known for our service and dedication. We believe in hard-work, spirituality and helping our community. Through our bold and fearless journalism, Asian Median USA today is carving a niche with its unique brand of accountability, reliability and responsibility.

We are event oriented

Principal purpose of Asian Media USA (AMU) is to give our community comprehensive, impartial, balanced and event oriented news and information. For each covered event, AMU attempt to put utmost solid work to publish the relevant material in writing and in Photographs. We do this in constructive and helpful manner for our readers. The work is performed without any prejudice of color, religion and race. Our newsletter is sent to all email recipients via web edition of Chicago Tribune. The recipients includes almost all the south Asian community Diaspora to include temples, community organizations, schools, collages, political organizations, sport and entertainment groups, temples, Mosques, Gurudwaras and Churches in the greater metropolitan Chicago area. Asian Media USA press reporting includes ample of quality photographs. The Press release and selected pictures are also published in a Local and Out of State ethnic Indian and Pakistani news papers.

Asian Media USA’s Mission

Asian Media USA is a journalist-led media company wedded to the purpose of building an informative and better society through free-spirited journalism.

Asian Media USA Vision

We believe that by disseminating impartial, balanced and credible news in a creative and challenging format and by hosting a free and fearless conversation of ideas of all persuasions we help society in making informed choices.

Asian Media USA Policies

Journalism is effective only when it is free of any censorship or discrimination. Asian Media USA hosts a free environment for journalists All its editorial decisions are taken in complete independence without commercial or other considerations. We believe that good journalism is superior business.

Asian Media USA upholds the privacy of the source and readers. It sees him as the holder of non-negotiable fundamental rights, as a voter who creates the state, as a tax-payer who endows society’s welfare, and as a consumer who is the master of the economy.

Asian Media USA and all its volunteers will perform their functions in accordance with the highest moral and ethical principles of journalism, and by so doing become a benchmark for the industry. Asian Media USA has no biases towards any religion, politics, social group or individual.

Asian Media USA does not provide political commentary but rather provides an honest, accurate, and unbiased depiction of the day’s events. Asian Media USA will ensure that the news it delivers is not colored by any racist, sexist, homophobic, or fascist undertones.