Grand celebration of Guru Purnima Mothsav by Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Institute “YDS Chicago” associated with “Haridham” Sokhada

Asian Media USA © Chicago IL: Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan organization associated with “Haridham” Sokhda “YDS Chicago” at Bartlett Jain Mandir on July 23rd, Haridham-Sokhda Past President P.P. Hariprasadaswamiji has Appointed his spiritual heir, as P.P. Premaswarup Swamiji’s Guru Purnima celebrations were celebrated in a grand manner in the presence of devotees and heads of social and religious organizations from various states of America and Chicago. Which includes 16 Religious institutions, 15 local Organizations, 07 News Media publishers and editors and 09 Chief guests including businessmen and dignitaries. Although the time of the program was kept half past five, as the invited guests and devotees arrived early, the program started from five o’clock and in sight, the hall of Jain Mandir was filled with more than 900 guests and devotees. From five o’clock the listeners were immersed in the Bhajan-kirtans. After that the secretary of YDS Chicago Shri. Chirantan Nanavati started the program welcoming by the saints from “Haridham” Sokhda. Anandswarup Swami and P. Gunagarahkaswami and P. Dinkar Uncle. He gave an occasional address to P.P. Hariprasadaswami described how he created this society from scratch with love and warmth. Then Bhavbhutibhai, a young man from New Jersey, explained the glory of […]
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