Chicago Ki Awaaz A platform for aspiring singers

Chicago IL: A gathering of music lovers celebrated Old and New Bollywood Songs on Saturday August 30th, 2014 at Masala Grill Restaurant, 2948 West Devon Avenue, Chicago, IL. Event started at 7PM and went on till 1:30AM with non-stop Bollywood Songs being sung by 20 singers. Both amateurs and professional singers pleased the crowd for five hours. Masti-Entertainment was started by Mr. Mujeeb Ahmed on June 15th 2012. It went from a handful of members to over 125 members currently and continues to grow. Over the past year, Masti Entertainment has supported or organized 19 meet-ups. Masti-Entertainment organizes karaoke night called “Chicago Ki Awaaz” every 6-8 weeks, at venues all over Chicago Land. This night is for music lovers to get together and sing their favorite songs or just enjoy listening to other singers. Chicago Ki Awaaz provides a platform for singers to express themselves through music and welcomes artists of any Age, Religion and Culture. Its mission is to bring out hidden talents within the Desi Community and support singers who have God given Talent to realize their potential. Being an integral part of the group will provide the singers opportunity to perform at local events. DCA (Deccan Cultural […]
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