Swami Vivekananda’s Spiritual Heirs Delve into his Legacy on 150th Birth Anniversary

Chicago: Vivekananda Vedanta Society (VVS) of Chicago hosted a two-day conference at the downtown Hilton from November 9, 2013 to commemorate the 150th Birth Anniversary of its illustrious founder, who introduced Hinduism to America through his electrifying address on September 11, 1893 before the World Parliament of Religions (WPR) in Chicago. Attended by fifty monastics from around the world, this first day was devoted to fathoming various aspects of Swami Vivekananda’s (SV) legacy now that Hindus and saffron robed monks are a common sight here. Asheesh Sen read out the welcome address by Illinois Governor Pat Quinn, who had recently declared Sep. 28 state-wide as Swami Vivekananda Day. Likewise read out by Swami Mahayogananda, Ramakrishna Order President Swami Atmasthananda’s message of felicitation quoted Vivekananda’s speech of Sep. 28, 1893 urging Americans to transcend the limitations of the ego by aspiring for infinite individuality. Associated since 1950 with VVS that he joined in 1960, senior Swami Chetanananda described “The transformation from Narendranath to Swami Vivekananda” contrasting the before and the after. SV, who arrived on 30 July 1893 in Chicago and left for the last time for India in 1990, lived a short life of 39 years and 5 months to […]
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